A Zone of Vulnerability is a spot on the outside of our filter that is highly visible, therefore making us vulnerable, to attack. (Think of a bright red spot on your green camouflage gear).
When we find a Zone of Vulnerability, we must assume that not only is the area susceptible to attack, but that it has already been attacked and the filter has been pierced in that spot. (Imagine a poisonous arrow poking out through your filter!)
To heal Zones of Vulnerability, we determine the stuck energy creating the zone(s) in the first place, and neutralize them. Once those have been addressed, we need to address the part of the arrow that has been trapped on the inside of the filter by transmuting the negative energy into something harmless.
In practice:
a. Once you have determined that a Zone of Vulnerability needs to be addressed, identify how many zones are appearing at one time. This is an indication of how many different stuck energies you should expect to find.
b. Find all the stuck energies, checking for clarity until you are certain that you have all of the ones originally predicted. Once they have all been found, you can neutralize them all at once.
c. Once the Zones of Vulnerability are no longer present, ask to transmute any energy that remains trapped within the filter. Use a clockwise spin to transmute the energy