With hand or hands lovingly on your heart center say the following slowly, silently or aloud, one sentence at a time, allowing the words to fully resonate
In love and light, I release you
In love and light, I release me
I allow God’s love to flow through me
I allow God’s love to flow through me to you
In love and light, I release all of you
In love and light, I release all of me
In love and light, I allow harmony, balance, and love to return
Be well (other person)
Be well (self)
I embrace God’s love as my birthright and pure state of love and innocence
I embrace God’s love as your birthright and pure state of love and innocence
In love and light, I release all of you
In love and light, I release all of me
I allow God’s love to flow through me, to radiate from me, and into infinity
This is my natural state
A beaming beacon of love and light that originates from our one true Source
In love and light, I embrace Source
I release all who have done me wrong
I am ready to welcome my birthright
I allow God’s love to release the chains that bind us, to heal the hurts that haunt us, and to transform all the troubling things that were said and done, no matter how many, no matter how bad, no matter how seemingly unforgivable, into love and light
I allow God’s love to heal me
I allow God’s love to heal you
I allow God’s love to heal us
In love and light I release you
In love and light I release me
Be well (other person)
Be well (me)