A part of us is frozen in time – they are energetically separated from the rest and need to heal in order to integrate with the whole
Ask if all parts are ready, willing and able to integrate – if yes clockwise swing. If no, identify and neutralize all stuck energies. Verify if they have been integrated. If no, repeat.
Dormant Parts – these part have been so traumatized that your guardian angels effectively put them to sleep – have to wake up with clockwise swing and then clockwise to integrate
Engaged (ready to heal) or disengaged (don’t recognize there is a whole to integrate with) – disengaged you heal and integrate
Native – they are ours – may be able to integrate but usually need to identify stuck energy
Wandering parts – parts from other people – if neutral but won’t shift it is wandering parts - neutralize a stuck energy process – establish safety and clarity to integrate - heal and integrate with a clockwise swing
If parts don’t integrate find the stuck energy that is keeping them from integrating