An external energy type that is a spiritual being that
interferes with healing. They meddle! Meddlers prevent us from seeing a stuck energy or accessing points on the energy timeline. Imagine a parasol or cloud – blocking the
light. Meddlers may be found anywhere and are one of the easiest enregy types to get rid of, however they can be persistent. A meddler is often the primary reason if you can’t
“Access a point on the timeline in which you are neutral to the problem".
Memorize this statement:
"(insert name) is a Beacon of Light and only creatures of Light can exist where his/her light touches".
Repeat this statement 2 - 3 times to banish the meddler using a counter-clockwise spin. Once done, check to see if a meddler is still present. If not, then proceed with your healing sessiong by identifying the stuck energy it was hiding.