An experience from our past (either recent or distant) that carries with it an emotional charge when recalled.
Most life events form the root cause of a negative belief. Keep this in mind when looking for the event.
Determine if there is a contract associated with the event (make note for later)
Check for clarity at each step.
Make sure you have clarity to address the life event. As you close in on the event, the Aspects may not want you to go further and block clarity.
Determine if you need to identify the life event (most often the answer will be yes, but occasionally not). If you don’t need to identify it, release the contract (if any) and then neutralize and release the life event with TD. The process would end here.
To identify the life event, you will need information. Use the clues list to find emotions that were prevalent during the event. Typically 1-3 emotions will come up.
Using yes/no questions, identify the age range and people involved in the event. The event may directly involve the client, or it can be something that was witnessed and the client only experienced it vicariously. If no memory surfaces, check for clarity and then re-check previously established information. (The original clues will typically remain correct, but other details may change.)
Continue to explore the life event until the link between it and the original negative belief has been found. You may verify with the subconscious if enough information has been retrieved.
Make note of the emotions remaining in the event. If there are no emotions or negative thoughts about it, you do not have clarity and/or enough information.
Identify and neutralize/release all stuck energies keeping the life event from being resolved
If present, verify that the contract is ready to be released. If it is not, resolve and release the contract first (you should not need to identify any stuck energies to do so). If it is ready, release the contract, and then the life event.
Have the client articulate any remaining emotions from the life event. Neutralize and/or heal (see below) the emotions as needed. Continue to remove residual emotions until the client feels completely neutral about the event.